Performance Measurement for Non-profit Organization (NPOs)

By CPA Canada
Published: 5/1/2019

Resource for not-for-profit organizations to achieve strategic objectives in uncertain, unpredictable and volatile environments using performance measurement. 

This three-part series is your essential guide to the performance measurement approach. In this series, you will learn:

  • how to help your organization execute its performance measurement strategy; 
  • how a strategy-mapping and performance measurement process will help organizations in the non-profit sector achieve their vision, mission, and strategies, generate breakthrough results and effectively address the needs of stakeholders;
  • how to develop performance measures, report on performance, and discover the changes your organization needs to make; and
  • lessons from the real-life experience of NPO Habuela Springs Swim Club, which embarked on this performance measurement journey to yield many years of sustained success. 

Performance Measurement for Non-profit Organization (NPOs)

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