Looking for tips on how to implement selected requirements in CAS 315? Interested in why certain requirements in CAS 315 exist and how they drive an effective audit? Read this guidance to find out more.
This CAS 315 implementation tool focuses on selected new requirements and certain other requirements in CAS 315, and emphasizes the scalability of the standard with a focus on less-complex entities. The changes to CAS 315 are effective for audits of financial statements for periods beginning on or after December 15, 2021.
- IAASB flowcharts, which provide you with:
- an overview of the flow of the risk identification and assessment process in CAS 315
- a more detailed overview of the requirements related to obtaining an understanding of the entity's system of internal control
- a more detailed overview of the requirements related to obtaining an understanding of the IT environment and the identification of general IT controls
- a brief discussion of selected core concepts underlying the risk identification and assessment process and how you apply it
- explanations of certain new and other requirements, supported by illustrative examples
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