Cost: Free
Audience: Youth ages 13-18 (parents are welcomed to attend with their teen)
Event number: 00389979
Do you have a teen between the ages of 13 – 18?
Guide your teenaged children towards a smart financial path by encouraging them to attend this free event on money basics hosted by CPABC and Steveston Arm Community Centre.
This FREE event is for youth between the ages of 13-18 who want to get a head start with information that will help teens make good financial decisions before high school graduation.
Attendees will learn topics that will help them manage money – including budgeting, debt, financial goal setting, student loans, and the types of education funding available.
** Important note about Registration: This registration is done by the City of Richmond. To register for City of Richmond programs, you will need to use the event ID number in the search bar on the webpage. If your teen is not already a member, you will need to register them with the City of Richmond, which only takes a couple of minutes. Youth do not need to be residents of Richmond to participate, but creating a profile in the registration system is required. When registering, it is important to enter your teen's birthdate accurately, as the system uses this to verify eligibility for age-specific programs
There is limited space to this event. If your teen is no longer able to attend, please email us at tpawluk@bccpa.ca so that we can open the space to other teens. If you plan on attending with your child, please let us know so that we can include you in our count.
*If you need assistance with registration, please contact Tierra Pawluk at 604.484.7006 or at tpawluk@bccpa.ca.
About the Speaker: Christine Woodington CPA, CGA
Christine Woodington is the Corporate Accountant at Coal Island Ltd. an Asset Management company. She is the recipient of the CPA BC Distinguished Service award and CPA Member Ambassador award that recognized her service to the profession as a volunteer to the CPA Chapters, Mentor Advisory Board and as a CPA Ambassador. She is currently the chair of the CPA Richmond South Delta Chapter and speaks at different events around the lower mainland sharing tips on networking and financial literacy. When she is not volunteering or working you can find her singing the anthems at a baseball game or teaching a group fitness class as a certified BCRPA Fitness Leader.
If you have any questions, please contact Tierra Pawluk at tpawluk@bccpa.ca or at 604.484.7006.