CPA Financial Literacy: Understanding Dyslexia and Reading Disabilities

Let's Talk About Dyslexia

Dyslexia is the most common cause of reading difficulties impacting between 10 and 20 percent of all Canadians. While dyslexia makes learning to read more difficult, dyslexia is NOT related to intelligence. With early identification and appropriate intervention, children with dyslexia can learn to read well. However, in Canada most children with dyslexia are not being identified or receiving the help they need through the public education system to succeed. This has resulted in a large portion of adults in Canada having lifelong reading disabilities.  

In this webinar we will share information about dyslexia, dispel some common myths and misconceptions, discuss the societal costs of unsupported dyslexia, and provide suggestions about how you can help to make your workplace and business more accessible and welcoming to individuals with dyslexia and other forms of print disabilities.


  • Date: Thursday, October 17th, 2024
  • Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm (PST)
  • Speaker: Alicia Smith, Executive Director of Dyslexia Canada 
  • Format: online 
  • Cost: Free


Alicia SmithAlicia Smith is the Executive Director of Dyslexia Canada.

Alicia was identified with dyslexia in high school but for many years shame, stigma, and fear prevented her from speaking openly about the challenges she experienced.  

After her first child was identified with dyslexia, she discovered firsthand the disconnect between evidence and practice when teaching children to read in Ontario public schools.  As she came to understand the broader issues of equity that the current approach to reading instruction has created, Alicia became a passionate and vocal advocate for change.

In her role at IDA Ontario Alicia helped to create the Ontario Literacy Alliance, worked closely with the Ministry of Education, released the report ‘Lifting the Curtain on EQAO Scores', and organized a multitude of webinars and workshops focused on bringing teachers together to learn how they can improve equity for students through evidence-based reading instruction and assessment.

In her new role at Dyslexia, Canada Alicia works with local grassroots groups and advocates across Canada to advance the Right to Read nationally.

Did you know that October is Dyslexia Awareness Month? 

Mark it Read is the official Canadian celebration for Dyslexia Awareness Month. October 1st, 2024 marks the start of the 7th annual national awareness-raising campaign. Each year across Canada, monuments and buildings are lit up red, schools and workplaces wear red, and cities and towns sign proclamations to officially declare the month of October as Dyslexia Awareness Month. Mark it Read has also been listed on the Government of Canada website as a health promotion month. View the calendar of health promotions.

The theme for Mark it Read 2024 is Breaking the Silence

Learn how you can support this campaign.

Event Info

Event Details

Date Date
Oct 17, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Venue Venue