Regulatory Committees
Expressions of interest for Regulatory Committees will be accepted year round. Annual appointments to Regulatory Committees are approved by the Board in the spring. The deadline for applying for the upcoming committee year is March 15.
Participation in all Regulatory Committees is restricted to designated members only.
- Membership Committee
- Public Practice Committee
- Investigation Committee
- Disciplinary Committee
- Bylaws Committee
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee (MC) mandate is to ensure that only suitably qualified and competent persons of good character are admitted to membership and maintain their membership in accordance with the CPA Act, Bylaws, and Bylaw Regulations. The MC has six 3-hour meetings a year, with some pre-reading in advance of each meeting.
Key responsibilities of the MC are:
- Assess good character of applicants for student enrolment and admission to membership.
- Admit or readmit persons to membership.
- Advise the Board on any reciprocal membership agreement or mutual recognition agreement or memorandum of understanding under negotiation by CPA Canada.
- Advise the Board on matters relating to membership and Continuing Professional Development (CPD), including recommendations related to reductions and exemptions in annual dues and minimum CPD reporting requirements.
- Establish processes for the collection, enforcement and verification of annual dues and CPD.
- Consider non-routine requests for reductions in annual dues and CPD.
Qualifications required:
- All CPABC members who can devote the time commitment are encouraged to express an interest in volunteering on the MC. Final selection will be based on creating a diversified committee representative of the CPABC membership.
Public Practice Committee
The Public Practice Committee (PPC) mandate is to ensure that members engaged in public practice are meeting the acknowledged standards of the profession, by promoting and maintaining the knowledge, skill, and proficiency of members in public practice. This mandate is achieved through a combination of regulation and education. This committee is also responsible for assessing competence and fitness of offices for the education and training of students. The PPC has four to five full day meetings a year, with a significant amount of time required for prior review of practice inspection files.
Key responsibilities of the PPC are:
- To approve the practice inspection and evaluation process.
- On a no-names basis, determine final practice inspection results and recommend appropriate consequences for firms.
- Oversee new registration/licence applications.
- Oversee pre-approved program approvals.
- Provide policy advice relating to public practice.
Qualifications required:
- Minimum of 10 years working in public practice.
- Must be currently licensed to provide audit or review services and be performing assurance engagements.
Investigation Committee
The Investigation Committee (IC) mandate is to investigate the conduct of members and firms to determine whether grounds exist for disciplinary action against that person (the respondent). Each committee member will participate in 5-6 full day meetings per year.
Key responsibilities of the IC are:
- Investigate matters brought to its attention.
- After completing its investigation, make a determination that:
- No grounds exist for a disciplinary action against the respondent; or
- Grounds exist for a disciplinary action against the respondent.
- When the committee determines that grounds exist for a disciplinary action, the committee will, depending on the seriousness of the matter, either:
- Make recommendations to settle the matter by way of mutual consent – this is referred to as a determination and recommendation (D&R); or
- Refer the matter to the Disciplinary Committee by issuing a Statement of Complaint.
- Receive requests from respondents for a binding opinion.
- Consider any written proposals to negotiate a resolution of the discipline matter, and make a recommendation to the Board on whether to accept the resolution agreement.
Qualifications required:
- Significant experience as a member to exercise sound judgment in reviewing alleged misconduct by CPABC peers.
- Ability to devote time to review the substantial meeting materials and attendance at the meetings.
Disciplinary Committee
The Disciplinary Committee (DC) mandate is to conduct hearings regarding the conduct of members and firms to determine whether disciplinary action is required against that person (the respondent). Hearing Panels of three or five committee members will be appointed to conduct hearings as matters arise.
Key responsibilities of the DC are:
- Conduct hearings in panels of 3 or 5 members.
- After a hearing, make a decision about a respondent.
- Give reasons for a decision and for any order made.
- Upon receiving a request from the Investigation Committee for a binding opinion, form a panel of the committee to conduct the binding opinion.
- Upon appointment of referee(s) by the Registrar for a binding opinion, the appointed committee member(s) must serve as referee(s) to conduct a binding opinion in a public practice review matter.
Qualifications required:
- Significant experience as a member to exercise sound judgment in reviewing alleged misconduct by CPABC peers.
Bylaws Committee
The Bylaws Committee (BC) mandate is to review the Act, Bylaws, Bylaw Regulations, Code of Professional Conduct and Guidance, and to recommend amendments to the Board. The BC has one to two half day in-person meetings per year, and may occasionally have short virtual meetings.
Key responsibilities of the BC are:
- Review the Act, Bylaws, Bylaw Regulations, Code of Professional Conduct and Guidance, as required, and to recommend amendments to the Board.
- Advise the Board on issues coming from entities such as the CPAC Public Trust Committee and the CPAC Unified Rules Steering Committee relating to proposed amendments to the Act, Bylaws, Bylaw Regulations, Code of Professional Conduct and Guidance.
Qualifications required:
- Strong ability to interpret the governing documentation and analyze proposed amendments to them.