Kingsley Yeung and Kingsley Yeung & Associates of Vancouver, British Columbia
In order to resolve a disciplinary proceeding before a Panel of CPABC’s Disciplinary Committee concerning professional misconduct alleged against him and the firm, Kingsley Yeung and Kingsley Yeung & Associates (the “Firm”) of Vancouver, British Columbia have agreed to the voluntary suspension of his membership in the Organization of Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia (“CPABC”) for a period of six months, commencing on February 26, 2025, and the voluntary relinquishment of the public practice license and firm registration issued by CPABC, effective on February 26, 2025.
The professional misconduct alleged against Mr. Yeung and the Firm includes numerous breaches of the CPABC Code of Professional Conduct, including: failing to disclose to CPABC two Review engagements during practice reviews performed by CPABC, which was false or misleading; failing to disclose to CPABC on the required annual firm profile declaration the Review engagements the Firm had performed, which was false or misleading; signing the Practice Review Officer’s Reports and thereby representing that the Firm had not performed any assurance engagements, which was false or misleading; failing to implement or apply the CPA Canada Handbook CSRE 2400 standards and thereby failing to comply with professional standards; failing to establish, maintain, and uphold appropriate policies and procedures designed to ensure that the Firm’s services were provided in accordance with generally accepted standards of practice of the CPA profession; failing to respond on numerous occasions to e-mail correspondence from the CPABC Investigator who sought information relating to the complaint; and failing to provide any comments on the draft investigation report by the extended deadline, as requested by the Investigator, or at all.
Mr. Yeung and the Firm have admitted to the above allegations that CPABC has made against them.
Mr. Yeung has agreed to pay $2,000.00 towards CPABC’s costs of the disciplinary proceeding and pay a fine of $1,000.00.
During the six month period of the voluntary suspension of Mr. Yeung’s membership in CPABC, he cannot use or display the designations “Chartered Professional Accountant”, “Certified General Accountant”, or “Professional Accountant”, the initials “CPA”, “CGA”, “CPA, CGA”, or “PA”, imply, suggest, or hold out that he is a Chartered Professional Accountant or Professional Accountant, or engage in providing or offering to provide public accounting services or other regulated services to the public.
Norbert Robin Ma, of Burnaby, British Columbia, has been the subject of a disciplinary proceeding commenced against him by the Organization of Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia (“CPABC”) before a Panel of the Disciplinary Committee concerning alleged professional misconduct.
While on August 1, 2024, the Registrar of CPABC cancelled Mr. Ma’s membership in CPABC as a result of his failure to pay fees and dues established by the Board of CPABC, the disciplinary proceeding is currently ongoing.
The professional misconduct alleged against Mr. Ma involves numerous breaches of the CPABC Code of Professional Conduct, in particular: between November, 2021 and October, 2023, misappropriation of approximately $506,687.00 from a former employer through the use of numerous surreptitious electronic funds transfer payments that he authorized and transferred to two personal bank accounts that he owned to fund a gambling addiction; and manipulating corporate records of the former employer to conceal his misappropriation. Mr. Ma has not repaid the stolen funds.
Mr. Ma has irrevocably admitted to all the allegations that CPABC has made against him, and has undertaken not to apply for reinstatement of his membership in CPABC before, at the earliest, November 1, 2030.
As Mr. Ma is no longer a member of CPABC, he cannot use or display the designations “Chartered Professional Accountant”, “Certified Management Accountant”, or “Professional Accountant”, use or display the initials “CPA”, “CMA”, “CPA, CMA”, or “PA”, or imply, suggest, or hold out that he is a Chartered Professional Accountant or Professional Accountant.