Mr. Kenneth Eng, CGA - December 19, 2011
Disciplinary Summary
December 19, 2011
A complaint was filed by the Association against a member, Mr. Kenneth Eng, CGA, of Burnaby, BC, alleging that Mr. Eng used his employer’s credit card to purchase personal items and subsequently concealed these expenses, approved expense reports that he knew or ought to have known were false and misleading, and prepared monthly financial statements based on information that he knew or ought to have known was false and misleading.
The Appeals Committee dismissed Mr. Eng’s appeal, and upheld the Discipline Committee panel decision, dated May 3, 2011.
The Discipline Committee found that Mr. Eng was in breach of the 1st Ethical Principle regarding Responsibilities to Society, the 2nd Ethical Principle regarding Trust and Duties, the 4th Ethical Principle regarding Deceptive Information, the 5th Ethical Principle regarding Professional Practice, Rules, R101 regarding Discredit, R102 regarding Unlawful Activity and R402 regarding Association with Financial Information of the Association's Code of Ethical Principles and Rules of Conduct in effect from September 21, 2002, as he:
- charged personal items totalling approximately $80,000 using the employer’s Visa account during the period January 1, 2003 through August 2, 2006, and approving expense reports for he and his boss that he knew or ought to have known were false and misleading;
- categorized the personal purchases and charges made by him and his boss to inaccurate or inappropriate categories;
- failed to report the improper use of the school’s Visa accounts to anyone other than his boss, who was also improperly using the credit cards;
- prepared monthly financial statements for the employer based on information that he knew or ought to have known was false and misleading; and
- prepared working papers and provided information to the employer’s auditors that he knew or ought to have known was false and misleading.
Discipline Order
- Expelled from membership;
- fined $10,000, and
- assessed costs of $12,548.04 for the Discipline Panel hearing, plus $6,406.60 for the Appeals Hearing, for total costs of $18,954.64.