Ms. Sharon Louise Keller - February 18, 2010
Disciplinary Summary
February 18, 2010
A complaint was filed by the Association against former member Ms. Sharon Louise Keller of Burnaby, BC, as she was charged with theft over $5,000 and fraud over $5,000 against an elementary school Parent Advisory Committee (PAC). Ms. Keller pleaded guilty to the charge of theft over $5,000. On April 21, 2009, Ms. Keller was sentenced to a six-month conditional sentence of house arrest for stealing $9,750 from the school PAC. Ms. Keller resigned as a CGA on May 22, 2009.
The Discipline Committee concluded that the criminal conviction and the former member’s guilty plea were sufficient evidence of the perpetration of the offence and of the breach of CGA-BC’s Code of Ethical Principles and Rules of Conduct (in effect as at October 4, 2003, and in accordance with Rules R607 Evidence of Professional Misconduct and R607.1 Criminal and Similar Offences) as follows:
- 1st Ethical Principle - Responsibilities to Society as the former member failed to safeguard and advance the interests of Society by committing theft against the PAC of $9,750 while she was the volunteer treasurer;
- 2nd Ethical Principle - Trust and Duties as the former member failed to honour the trust of the PAC by committing theft against the PAC;
- 4th Ethical Principle - Deceptive Information as the former member was associated with information which she knew, or ought to know, was false or misleading by holding out that financial documentation had been prepared when it had not, and making deposits without notations;
- 5th Ethical Principle - Professional Practice as the former member failed to act fairly and openly towards others by committing theft against the PAC;
- Rule R101 Discredit, R102 Unlawful Activity and R606(a) Detrimental Actions as the former member committed theft against the PAC of $9,750 while she was the volunteer treasurer over a four-year period. Ms. Keller's actions were the subject of two reports in the Vancouver Sun and one report in the Burnaby Now newspapers that included several references to the CGA Association and the fact that Ms. Keller was a member. In addition, the Judge included reference to the CGA Association and the fact that Ms. Keller was a CGA in his Reasons for Sentence; and
- Rule R604(c) - Admittance to Membership as the former member failed to conduct herself in accordance with the spirit and letter of the law, regulations and Code of Ethical Principles and Rules of Conduct by committing theft of $9,750 against the PAC, and by being found in breach of Ethical Principles and Rules of Conduct.
Discipline Order
- Barred from reinstatement;
- fined $10,000; and
- assessed costs of $3,418.