Members interested in giving back to their community can participate in the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) by volunteering to prepare tax returns and/or by helping a community organization host a free tax return preparation clinic through the CVITP. The CVITP helps community organizations across Canada host tax preparation clinics, and you can find an extensive list of these organizations on the CRA website.
Signing up to volunteer is a straightforward process—all you have to do is submit a volunteer registration form on the CRA website and a CRA coordinator will contact you to help you find a participating organization in your area. Note that the online form has a checkbox for CPA members that will be used for statistical reporting, appreciation, and acknowledgement purposes.
Prior to preparing tax returns at volunteer clinics for low-income taxpayers with CVITP, CPA Yukon members not already licensed for public practice must apply for an “Other Regulated Services – Reviewable” category public practice licence through CPABC.