2020/21 CPAEF Annual Report Now Available

The CPA Education Foundation of BC (CPAEF) 2020/2021 Annual Report is available on the CPAEF website.
Read about the various activities carried out by the CPAEF that help faculty and students and the many varied supports that advance accounting education in B.C.
Brenda Waechter FCPA FCGA, CPAEF Board Chair said, “as a result of the pandemic, we recognize that students and faculty have experienced challenges. The CPAEF is proud to be able to continue various supports which has been made possible by the generosity of our donors. Thank you.”
If you would like to support the foundation’s work by making a donation you can donate using the CPABC's Online Services (for members) or by cheque which can be mailed to the foundation (see address below). All donations greater than $20 will be tax receipted.
Your support is much appreciated. With your financial assistance, we can help enhance the quality and quantity of students entering the profession.
800-555 West Hastings Street
Vancouver BC
V6B 4N6
Attention: David Chiang CPA CA CIA CMC