Surrey/Langley/North Delta Chapter - Releaf Tree Planting Event Event Recap

Cloudy conditions did not stop the 8 CPABC members and their families from participating in Surrey’s Releaf Tree Planting event on Saturday, October 05, 2024.
The event started with yummy sips of coffee and Timbits, followed by a demonstration of adequately planting trees and shrubs for participants. Depending on the plant species, the plants were placed where they would thrive, with the appropriate amount of sunlight or water. A dozen species were planted, including Elderberry, Pacific NineBark, Douglas fir, Sitka spruce and Bigleaf maple.
The volunteers were entertained with DJ’s music as they planted, digging to the beat of upbeat tunes. Cloudy conditions were barely noticed as there were smiles all around. The event wrapped up early as enthusiastic volunteers successfully planted all the trees and shrubs. Surrey Parks gave parting gifts, a beautiful Pacific rhododendron to plant at home.
The Releaf tree planting event is hosted by Surrey Parks every fall, and we are looking forward to joining them again next year.