CPABC Chapters to launch in-person events this year. Social

Chapters plan to resume in-person activities this year.
CPABC’s Chapters are excited to bring back in-person events! As we look at resuming in-person activities, we want to know what types of events you’d like – golf tournaments, wine tastings, breakfast networking, day at the food bank, CPA student support events, or more.
CPABC’s volunteer chapter boards organize events across 16 regions in BC. They provide CPA members, students, and candidates with local social and professional networking opportunities and offer local support for students and their communities.
Chapters are looking for new board volunteers to help resume in-person events.
Get involved by joining your chapter board! CPABC’s Chapters are looking for new board volunteers to help resume in-person event activities. This is an exciting opportunity to expand your professional network and build lasting relationships with CPA peers, while growing skills in leadership, planning and communication!
Send your event ideas or to receive more information on the above please email