2022 Monte Carlo Night - Thursday October 27, 2022 Event Recap

Bringing back our touch of Vegas in Vancouver!
On Thursday, October 27th the annual Monte Carlo Night returned to the Vancouver Club, hosted by CPABC, CFA Society Vancouver and the Canadian Bar Association of BC. The event was attended by 200 members across each of the three partner organizations.
Members enjoyed live jazz, beverages, bourbon tastings, appetizers, while also playing poker, blackjack, roulette and craps.
This event supported the great work of Working Gear and Dress for Success with clothing donations accepted to pass on to these valuable organizations. A huge shout out of gratitude to the attendees who brought in their professional clothing donations for us to deliver.
In addition, we are delighted to be in a position to place a monetary donation to each of these organizations from a residual event balance. Thank you!
A huge thanks to all the sponsors, and to everyone that came out to play!
Thank you all for a great evening. Looking forward to 2023 already!
Acknowledging our generous sponsors:
SkyHarbour Resources https://skyharbourltd.com/
Impact Recruitment https://impactrecruitment.ca/
Makers Mark https://www.beamsuntory.com/en
Manning Elliott https://www.manningelliott.com/
TD: https://www.td.com/ca/en/about-td/
Beam Suntory: https://www.beamsuntory.com/en
Tom James Company: https://www.tomjames.com/default.aspx