Burnaby/New Westminster Chapter - Mentor Mentee Mingle Event Recap

The event was started off with a welcome message from the head of the student support committee, Samuel Ajise, who gave a quick summary of what participants were to expect. This was followed by presentations from CPABC's Pre-approved Program Manager, Jenny Wei and Associate Director, Employer Relations, Sharon Hummel. During the Q&A, questions were addressed by the presenters, as well as CPABC's Director of Practical Experience, Sherry Fung, and the Chair of CPABC board, Peter Guo, who graciously provided practical insights to participants queries on mentoring and coaching.
Participants were then allowed to engage in a networking session for about an hour, where mentees and mentors had the opportunity to get to know each other better to determine the right fit.
The Chapter would like to thank the team from CPA BC, the mentors for volunteering their time and the mentees for attending the event.