Students/candidates must submit their Change of Job CPA Review within 90 days of their employment status change.
Any change in job interrupts your progressive competency development. Candidates who have reported under different experience routes or different types of pre-approved programs are advised that completion with a minimum of 30 months duration is no longer guaranteed.
CPABC Practical Experience team must assess your former PPR experience before you can start reporting your new EVR experience in PERT. The following circumstances are considered a “PPR to EVR” job change and require the submission of a CPA Review (Change of Job):
- Your former experience route is PPR and one of the following options can be applied:
- You are no longer following a PPR at your current employer
- You changed employers, and the new experience route is EVR
- You are currently unemployed and looking for work
Do not start reporting your new (current) job in PERT until your CPA Review (Change of Job) has been completed.
Before you request your job change assessment, please ensure the following in PERT:
- All experience has been reported up to your last date of employment (or the last day before the change in the role) and all experience reports are in “Verified” or “Reviewed” (not “New” or "Completed") status.
- The latest Mentor meeting is close to the last date of employment (or the last day before the change in the role) and has detailed comments on the reasonableness of your self-assessed proficiency levels for both technical and enabling competencies. If it is not, you will need to ensure a current Mentor meeting is completed before requesting a CPA review.
- All Leave Taken days are reported (if any).
Refer to the CPA Practical Experience Requirements (PER) Section 2.5.3 Allowance for time off.
- All quoted report periods are consecutive, not cumulative.
If you have gaps in your reporting, please leave a note in the most recent report with an explanation to support your CPA review.