Students/candidates must submit their Change of Job CPA Review within 90 days of their employment status change.
Any change in job interrupts your progressive competency development. Candidates who have reported under different experience routes or different types of pre-approved programs are advised that completion with a minimum of 30 months duration is no longer guaranteed.
CPABC Practical Experience team must assess your former PPR experience before you can start reporting your new EVR experience in PERT. The following circumstances are considered a “PPR to EVR” job change and require the submission of a CPA Review (Change of Job):
Do not start reporting your new (current) job in PERT until your CPA Review (Change of Job) has been completed.
Before you request your job change assessment, please ensure the following in PERT:
Create a new PPR report with the End Date equal to the last date of your previous job.
Attach a signed CPA Chargeable Hours Form to the report.
Candidates reporting under PPR who are enrolled in a pre-approved program with a minimum assurance hour requirement (External Audit, Review or Assurance/Compilation/Tax) are required to provide a signed CPA Chargeable Hours form to support the CPA review (see chargeable hours form). Please ensure the form reflects the same employment period reported in PERT. The form must be signed by you and the Program Leader.
Consider providing this additional information in the Notes area of your experience report:
Be advised that departing a Pre-Approved Program prematurely will have implications for certification as well as licensing options available post-certification. Please refer to the CPABC Practitioners Licensing information.
Request a CPA Review: for the review reason, select the “Change of Job Assessment” option.
All your PPR experience reports must be approved by your PPR employer. Your Program Leader must complete the Program Leader Declaration, confirming their approval of: reported duration, leave taken, Mentor meetings and chargeable hours. Next, the CPA Review will be sent to CPABC for review.
The status of the CPA review can be tracked in PERT. You will be notified once the review is complete.
After your job change assessment is completed by CPABC Practical Experience team, you will receive email notification. You will be removed from the pre-approved program. Your experience route will be changed to “Unemployed” and your reporting status will be changed to “Unemployed”. Your Mentor may be also removed.
Your next step is to edit your PERT profile to reflect your new experience route:
EVR is a self-directed route where you must demonstrate proficiency to the profession and request regular CPA Reviews to track your progress.
Before you start regular EVR reporting, CPABC Practical Experience team needs to determine if your new job satisfies the criteria of progression in your competency development.
Do not include any descriptive work experience evidence or proficiency ratings in this report.
Once your pre-assessment is approved, your reporting status will change to “In Progress” and the EVR report status will change to “Reviewed”.
You can create new EVR experience reports once you have accumulated at least 3 months of work.
No position held for less than 3 months will be recognized as part of the minimum 30 month term.
Inquiries can be directed to the CPABC Practical Experience team at
Please include your full name on your PERT profile in the subject line of your email. You may be also asked for your CPA ID number.