CPABC Board of Directors Election 2024
2024 Call for Nominations – CPABC Board of Directors
Call for nominations closed at 4:00 pm on April 25, 2024.
In these unprecedented times of exponential global and professional change, the CPABC Board of Directors is looking for a group of accomplished, forward-thinking candidates with governance experience to bring diversity of thought and a variety of perspectives and experiences to the boardroom in dealing with current and future challenges and opportunities.
In accordance with the Chartered Professional Accountants Act and the CPABC Bylaws, this is our formal notice that nominations for 2024-2027 board candidates are now being accepted. There are five positions open.
All five vacancies may be filled by candidates from any region in the province as the geographical representation requirements set out in Bylaw Regulation 200/2(2) are satisfied by incumbent board members who continue to serve.
The CPABC Board Renewal Committee has identified the following five competencies as areas where it would be beneficial to strengthen the expertise of the CPABC board:
- Visionary leadership to anticipate future changes;
- Significant leadership experience, including strategy development and implementation;
- Marketing and communications;
- Information technology, systems and security; and
- Investment/Treasury.
CPABC Board Election Process
Each year, the CPABC Board of Directors revisits its skills and diversity matrix to help identify gaps in representation and, accordingly, the most sought-after skills, attributes, and diversity for incoming board members. A formalized candidate outreach and engagement process has been established to further enhance and broaden the Board’s current skill set. In addition, there is a formal process to vet potential new board members against the skills being sought by the board. It includes due diligence procedures and a review of submitted documentation and may include interviews conducted with the assistance of an independent external consultant.
The purpose of the review is to identify to the membership those candidates who most closely align with what the board is seeking. No later than May 6, each candidate will have an initial discussion with the independent external consultant to review the process and give the consultant the opportunity to learn more about the candidate’s background. Candidates may then be interviewed by members of the Board Renewal Committee and/or the independent external consultant between May 10-16 depending on the number of candidates. Please hold these dates open in your calendar if you are planning to submit a nomination package.
It is the board’s goal to have, as much as is possible, a board whose members reflect the entirety of the membership, including such considerations as experience and diversity. In addition, the board will aim to have representation from a cross-section of industry sectors.
Voting for board positions and other regulatory matters will take place from May 30 to June 13, and the results will be announced at CPABC’s annual general meeting (AGM) on June 20, 2024, which will take place virtually. Formal notice of the CPABC AGM will be provided at a later date.
The Board Nomination Form is now available at bccpa.ca. See CPABC Board Election 2024. Nomination forms must be received electronically by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 25, 2024.
See CPABC Board Member Overview at bccpa.ca under Governance.