CPABC Board Member Overview
The CPABC Board’s purpose is to manage and direct CPABC pursuant to the Act and Bylaws. The CPABC Board will direct the business and financial affairs of CPABC by:
Board Overview
The purpose of the CPABC Board, on behalf of the members and in the public interest, is to see that CPABC meets its legislated responsibilities, achieves its strategic objectives, and complies with the governance policies in a financially responsible manner. In other words, the board of Directors is responsible for ensuring organizational success within the legal and governance frameworks of the organization. Accordingly, the Board has a fiduciary duty to act in the best interest of the organization, not any individual or group of members or students.
Desired Board Composition
In support of the four essentials articulated below, in addition to the nomination form, each year, the CPABC Board of Directors revisits its skills and diversity matrix to help identify gaps in representation and, accordingly, the most sought-after skills, attributes, and diversity for incoming board members. There is a formal process to vet potential new board members against the skills being sought by the board. It includes due diligence procedures and a review of submitted documentation, and may include interviews conducted with the assistance of an independent external consultant. The purpose of the review is to identify to the membership those candidates who most closely align with what the board is seeking.
It is the board’s goal to have, as much as is possible, a board whose members reflect the entirety of the membership, including such considerations as experience and diversity. In addition, the board will aim to have representation from a cross-section of industry sectors.
There are four essential qualities for candidates for the Board
- Vision
The capacity to contribute to and adopt a shared vision for the profession, for CPABC, and for the Board’s work.
- Objectivity
The ability to put aside personal interests for the interests of the organization. Candidates should be willing to listen attentively, and engage in objective, constructive dialogue, always with the best interests of and fiduciary duty for CPABC in mind.
- Commitment
An ideal candidate should acknowledge and accept the following as their personal commitment towards fulfilling responsibilities and maintaining effectiveness on the Board;- Have a positive interest in CPABC and its governance;
- Understand their fiduciary duty to help CPABC achieve the objects of the Act, which include:
- to promote and maintain the knowledge, skill and proficiency of members and students in the practice of accounting
- to establish qualifications and requirements for admission as a member and continuation of membership, and for enrollment and continuation of enrollment of students;
- to regulate all matters, including competency, fitness and professional conduct, relating to the practice of accounting by members, students, professional accounting corporations and registered firms;
- to establish and enforce professional standards; and
- to represent the interests of members and students.
- Be properly prepared for and attend every Board meeting and the Annual General Meeting;
- Be aware of the Governance Policies of CPABC;
- Be prepared to serve on a committee of the Board;
- Be knowledgeable of the CPABC Directional Plan and Operational Plan and Budget (each approved annually by the Board);
- Act with honesty and uphold the highest ethical standards so that public confidence and trust in the CPA designation and the profession is preserved and enhanced.
- Exemplary Professional and Personal Conduct
Board members must:- Have a solid understanding of the vital role of CPABC in protecting the public interest.
- Have demonstrated adherence to the profession’s standards of professional and ethical conduct.
- Have demonstrated professional competencies in their area of accountancy, and in the case of members engaged in public practice, satisfied the practice review requirements of CPABC or its predecessors.
- Have impeccable personal and business affiliations.
- Be of good character and commit to conducting themselves in such a manner as to protect and uphold the image and reputation of their fellow members, the CPA designation, CPABC, and the profession at large.
Why We Serve

Why We Serve
Be part of the CPABC Board of Directors.
- Strategic Direction
- Benefits Members
- Benefits Society